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Medical Spa Services

Medical Spa Services


BOCCI Salon & Spa is proud to offer Medical Spa services provided by our highly skilled and trained nurse injector Judy Bernard.

Judy Bernard has been a Nurse for over 25 years. She is extremely detail oriented, compassionate, and continues to educate herself with the leading plastic surgeons for her technical expertise. She has a strong reputation of helping transform and restore a youthful look to aging skin. Each client receives an in depth assessment to ensure the best clinical outcomes. Call Bocci today to schedule your no cost, no obligation consultation. 

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Payment Plans Now Available! 


Botox/Dysport starting at $11 per unit

Can reduce the appearance of skin wrinkles.

Lip Flip starting at $100

Experience the magic of Flip Lip – a transformative treatment that makes your lips appear fuller, enhancing your natural beauty and giving you the luscious, youthful look you desire.

Juvederm starting at $575 per syringe

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that restore lost volume, fill wrinkles, smooth lines, and enhance facial contours. Fillers are injected at different depths and spaces to restore a smoother appearance and reduce the signs of aging.

Botox cosmetic logo

Blocks nerve impulses to the treated muscles, and reduces the muscle activity leading to those pesky lines, resulting in a smooth and youthful appearance. Treatment takes just minutes with no downtime afterward. You will begin to see the benefits within one to three days, with results improving for up to two weeks and lasting approximately two to four months.


Fillers help to diminish facial lines and restore volume and fullness in the face.
As we age, our faces naturally lose subcutaneous fat. The facial muscles are then working closer to the skin surface, so smile lines and crow’s feet become more apparent. The facial skin also stretches a bit, adding to this loss of facial volume. Other factors that affect the facial skin include sun exposure, lifestyle effects, and hereditary factors.

Micro-needling PRP Facial and Hair Restoration

Platelet Rich Plasma Facial $425

1. What’s Micro-needling with PRP, and how does it work?

The PRP facial  is done through micro-needling. Professionals use a micro-needling device to safely and precisely create controlled micro-injuries to the skin. Then platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the skin to trigger new collagen and elastin production, break up existing scar tissue and make the skin look and feel smoother, brighter, tighter and more youthful.

2. What’s the difference between traditional micro-needling and the PRP facial? Is one better than the other?

In short, both facial treatments improve the skin’s texture and help to reduce unwanted wrinkles. Healing time is the major difference between the two treatments. With traditional micro-needling, you can expect “five to seven days of redness or downtime.

Micro-needling with PRP facial, decreases downtime to 24 hours. How? By using platelet-rich plasma. You are essentially healing the micro-injuries to the skin as they are inflicted. The rich growth factors and healing properties within the PRP stimulates greater collagen formation and boosts the skin’s natural healing process. Micro-needling with PRP is superior to traditional micro-needling because you can achieve better results with fewer treatments.

Facial micro needling
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3. We know Kim K. popularized the treatment, but were people getting the PRP facial before the feature on her show?

People have been utilizing micro-needling treatments for many years. However, professionals have recently discovered the greater benefits of combining micro-needling with PRP.

4. What are some of the most notable PRP facial benefits?

This treatment is primarily used to address skin texture and stimulate collagen formation, which is important because we stop producing our natural collagen after the age of 25. The PRP facial is also a great remedy for acne or surgical scars because it breaks up scar tissue bands and stimulates deeper healing.

5. Who would you recommend it to?

The procedure is safe for all skin types, but we would not recommend it to someone who has difficulties getting their blood drawn. The perfect candidate would be someone looking to improve the overall appearance of his or her skin and address deeper collagen formation.

6. What can someone expect during their first treatment?

Before the PRP facial, photographs are taken to ensure there’s accurate documentation of results and progress. Then the patient is numbed for 30–45 minutes with a cream that goes on the skin. When the patient is numbing, we obtain about 11mL of blood, which is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the red blood cells. Once the skin has been prepared appropriately, the micro-needling begins.

The entire procedure takes roughly an hour and a half. You don’t wash the PRP off your face until the next morning, as this allows the PRP to continue to heal the skin. You’ll notice a healthy glow after the first few days, but complete results take about 4-6 weeks once full collagen remodeling has taken place.

7. Do you have any after-care recommendations while the skin is healing?

After rinsing off the PRP 12–24 hours following the procedure We advise using a gentle cleanser and follow up with a broad-spectrum SPF moisturizer to protect the skin. Using a hyaluronic serum to maintain skin hydration during the following two to five days after treatment. You can resume your normal skin care routine one week following the procedure.



*Includes a Medical-Grade Hyaluronic Acid RF Treatment

One of the trendiest hair-removal options today is dermamaplaning. Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation method that requires the use of a sterile surgical blade to gently shave the top layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, dead skin layer, and vellus hair, aka "peach fuzz". This treatment results in ultra-smooth, fresh, and brighter skin. By removing that dead layer and hair from the face, the skin is evened out, and it helps with cell metabolism, which helps new skin come to the surface.


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  • It painlessly exfoliates the stratum corneum (the top layer of skin) to stimulate cellular turnover with little to no downtime.

  • It is a great option for people with sensitive skin and pregnant women who are looking for a deep exfoliation.

  • It can be performed prior to treatments like facials and chemical peels for better product penetration.

  • It can be performed frequently.

  • It helps makeup go on smoother and more evenly.

  • It can help significantly lighten post inflammatory scars from past acne.

  • It does not make the hair grow back thicker and darker.

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